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We Gather for the The Worship of God.

The congregation gathered following an organizational meeting on May 2, 1851. The name adopted then was written into the records in the German language. In literal translation the church was named the German United Evangelical Protestant Congregation of Saint Jacobus Church in the Town of Richfield.

The present church was built in 1892 across from the parsonage on Scenic Road. The cost was $2,095, which was paid for by the next annual meeting. Renovations and improvements were achieved through the guidance of the Women's Guild including: redecoration of the sanctuary in 1920, the stained glass windows installed in 1923, electric lights added in 1926, carpeting laid in 1941, kitchen and school rooms added in 1951. Major renovations of the church facility have been done in recent years.

The Saint Jacobi Congregation elected to affiliate with the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches and the Wisconsin Congregational Association in the year 1975. The constitution was amended at the Annual Meeting to reflect this new fellowship and to change the name of the church to Saint Jacobi Congregational Church.


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