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viets memorial prayer garden

Worship Time

10AM     September - May

9AM      June - July - August


Sue Laubenheimer, Director of Music, leads the music program that includes organizing visiting musicians, organ, piano and vocal worship music, wedding music and funeral support. Morning Worship incorporates both contemporary and traditional hymns. Sue serves as an organist, keyboardist and vocalist.   We are fortunate to have many guest performers. Plus we are blessed with a wonderful organ, updated sound system and hearing assist devices.



Preaching at St. Jacobi is based on Old and New Testament Scripture of the New International Version of the Bible. The Sunday sermon is based on the scripture cycle provided by the Revised Common Lectionary. There are many wonderful resources that will give you more information about the lectionary and the sequence of scripture. Our Preaching cycle includes sermons based on many aspects of scripture and makes us of both historical and contemporary interpretations.

our covenient

We covenant to walk with one another to seek and respond to the Word and Will of God. 

We purpose to walk together in the ways of the Lord, made known and to be made known to us.

We hold it to be the mission of the Church to witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in all the world, while worshiping God as a striving for truth, justice and peace.

As did those who came before us, we depend on the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us.

We pray for the coming of the kingdom of God, and we look forward with faith toward the triumph of righteousness and eternal life.

open communion

As a church gathered in the congregational tradition, we are a community centered on our covenant. In the act of communion we recognize both our individual relationship with God through Christ and also our corporate presence before God as His church. All of God's people are welcome to participate in our celebration of communion on the last Sunday of every month, plus World Communion Sunday in October. These services are followed by a time of fellowship. Communion is served while the congregation remains seated. We serve both wine and grape juice.